Donnerstag, 8. Januar 2015

Runs on Android

PQL::Cache also runs on Android without any change, compile or installation.

Just copy the module!

Mittwoch, 17. Dezember 2014


Hello all,

I have developed an object in memory cache PQL::Cache that can be used like a SQL database. Question is, how API should be defined. My suggestion, similary to DBIx::class:

The $cache may be dumped using Data::Dumper and reloaded, if stored objects can be dumped.

Class is already up and running for data rows as hashes. Possibly we can find a name for this package in DBIx:: namespace.

Is now available at


my $result = $cache->select
  (what  => 'all',
   from  => 'person',
   where =>

   [ or => [ prename => 'Ralf',           # scalar:   eq (string)
           [ gender  => 'male'],
     surname    => [ qw (Peine Conway)],  # ArrayRef: In a list
     perl_level => { like => 'CPAN.*' },  # HashRef:  operator
     perl_years => { '>'  => 20       },  # its a numerical field
     birth      => { ge   => '1960'   },  # its a string field
     birth      => sub { $_ ge '1960' },  # sub ref: for value

     data       => sub { $_->{birth} ge '1960'     }, # for hash
     obj        => sub { $_->get_birth() ge '1960' }, # for object
     obj        => sub { $_->get_city()->get_postcode() eq '4630'},

For "like" you can use full standard perl regexes.

Any comments?

Defining tables

  ('person', {

      keys    => ['ID'],
      columns => [prename => surname => birth => gender =>


Insert data

$cache->insert(person => {
        ID         => $person_id++,
        prename    => 'Ralf',
        surname    => 'Peine',
        gender     => 'male',
        birth      => '1965-12-29',
        location   => 1,             # cannot be searched!
        perl_level => 'CPAN',

Update Index

Update of values is not needed, because objects are direct stored in cache.

$cache->update_index('person', $read_person);


my $deleted_row_count = $cache->delete
        (what  => 'all',
         from  => 'person',
         where => [prename => 'FORREST L.']